What is Golite Light Therapy?

Phillips have certainly made their mark in the light therapy world. So what is Golite light therapy? Golite light therapy is a term coined from the Philips Golite Blu light therapy lamp. It mimics the blue light that our eyes respond best to from the blue of the sky that we may not get enough of during winter time.

Behind the forehead, we have a small gland called the pineal gland that stimulates the production of melatonin and serotonin when sunlight hits it.  In darker, longer winter climates where sunlight is scarce, for some people prolonged absence of stimulation of this gland can cause depression and moodiness.

One of the most important discoveries that has occurred in recent years is that our eyes respond best to the blue of the summer sky, and in the winter time and especially with spending so much of our lives in doors, we don’t get very much of this light.

GoLite BLU Energy Light Therapy

Phillips maintain that their research has proven that the receptors in our eyes convert this blue light to chemicals in our body that are needed for energy. Therefore, less of this kind of exposure can result in sober moods, depression and disrupted sleep patterns. It can also be responsible for fatigue, energy dips and apathy.

Philips designed a light lamp that emits blue light that is designed to replace that light that we would normally get outside or in summer months. Lightweight (14 ouncess) and portable, this light lamp has revolutionized light therapy. It is often known as the GoLite BLU energy light therapy lamp because of the effects it has had on users energy.

The (HF3422/60) version is the basic model and the (HF3429/60) now comes in a rechargeable model for even more convenience.

Is Blue Light as Effective as 10,000 lux Lamps?

Philips claims the blue light of this energy light lamp for home use has been proven just as effective as 10,000 lux light lamps. It is smaller in dimension than other light lamps and the blue light offers glare resistance that the white light lamps doesn’t.

Experts in the field say there is no supporting evidence to support the claims about the blue light (at lower lux) being as effective as 10,000 lux lamps. But on the other hand, lots of people who have bought them swear by them and they have a 4.5 star rating on Amazon.

Philips GoLite BLU Energy Light Therapy Lamp

Even though light therapy can vary from individual to individual, there is no denying the public desire for this small lamp attested by the thousands sold and the high reviews given.

An advantage of the lamp not getting to 10,000 lux is that it doesn’t heat up like other lamps. When sitting in front of it for 20 – 30 minutes a day, other light boxes can get uncomfortably hot but not with the Phillips Golite Blu.

What Can the Philips Golite Do For Me?

According to Philips, “using the right wavelength of light, you can trigger your active hormones naturally, boosting your mood and overcoming those down feelings, whatever the season.” 

The Golite offers big benefits for those looking to increase mood and energy:

  • Improves energy levels and mood
  • 100% UV free light is safe for eyes and skin
  • 20-30 minutes a day with go Lite Blu is proven to revitalize and promote a positive mood
  • Fights energy dips, fatigue, and winter Blues
  • Most efficient kind of energizing light, requiring just 200 Lux to achieve an effect similar to 10, 000 LUX of White light

When Should I Use Golite Light Therapy?

It depends on if you are a natural morning person or a night person.


Morning people tend to wake up early and usually find it difficult to stay awake in the evening. If you want to get more out of your evening, avoid bright light directly after waking up and use the Golite Blu in the evening.


This is you if you find it difficult to get up in the morning and are full of energy in the evening. You need morning light. Use the light lamp within the first 1 – 2 hours after you get out of bed. Avoid bright light in the last 4 hours before bedtime.

Daily use of the Golite Blu in the morning may help you establish a regular sleep pattern so if your sleeping cycles are disrupted, or you are suffering from jetlag, use in the morning so the pineal gland knows it is morning and time to be up and functioning.

To see a more detailed product review on actual models, see Philips Golite Blu Energy Lamps

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